My Proven Method for Fast-Tracking Business Success Through Social Media.

Increase your profits with my Social Media Business School online course, designed for business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how ANY business can get sales 24/7 on a low budget  without posting or spending more than 10 mins a day on social media. Use the power of social media to get more leads and double your sales within 6 months. Enroll now and take your business to the next level!


Trusted by: 

R39 997

  • Immediate Access
  • Weekly Zoom Support
  • Community
  • Easy-to-follow video lessons 

Enrollment Successfully Completed ✅  Offer No Longer Available ❌

I appreciate your Interest! 🌟 To get noticed for the next intake, send an email to [email protected] or visit my website and get a Free Guide.

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What will joining the Social media business school help you with:

Make More Sales

Learn how to stand out online and boost your sales with my proven strategies. Learn the techniques that have helped countless others attract more customers. You'll be able to increase your visibility, engage your audience, and drive more sales.

Save time

With so much information and so many distractions in the news feed, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a business owner. Let me save you time by sharing my expertise from over 10 years in the field. You'll quickly learn what truly works, gaining valuable insights and practical advice to help you cut through the noise and focus on what matters most for your business.

Attract more high-quality customers

You'll learn how to attract more high-quality customers to your business. We walk you through everything, from identifying your ideal audience to crafting ads that truly connect with them. By the end of the course, you'll have the skills to reach and engage the right people for your business.

Set up your profitable ad campaign

Follow along with our step-by-step videos to learn how to set up ad campaigns. I share everything you need to know, from strategy to selecting the right images, ensuring you have all the tools for success.

Amazing community

Our online community is one of the biggest perks of signing up. You become part of a like-minded community who experience the same challenges and overcome them together.

🎓 Member of The Social Media Business School


We earn 14x of what we put into ads. 

In just the first week, we paid off the cost of the course and made so many sales that we sold out. 

- Zannenlee Sander (E-commerce website with jewelry)

Is The Online Social Media Business School (SMBS) Right For Me? 

This program is for driven and ambitious entrepreneurs who are tired of feeling stuck, unsure of their next steps, or doubting their ability to start and grow a business.

No matter what industry you're in, succeeding as an entrepreneur today means understanding how to build trust, form meaningful connections, and make sales online.

So whether you are a dentist, singer, teacher, academic, politician, crafter- you name it, there is a proven path for you to follow online. The SMBS is for: 

Product-Based Businesses

SMBS graduates are selling everything from flowers and cupcakes to books, apps, clothing, and jams. If you sell physical or digital products, SMBS can help you too.

Service-Based Businesses

Wheter you teach people how to crochet or do financial consulting for big companies, let SMBS take your service-based business to the next level. 

Local Physical Store

Take your business online to reach more customers, open new revenue streams, and stay relevant in a changing economy.

🎓 Member of The Social Media Business School


 I could not even wash my dishes, I was just too busy handling all the orders coming in. I received 67 orders with my first ad. 

- Suegnet Hurter (Ms Hoity Toity Boutique)



How does The Social Media Business School work? 

This is an online program that guides you step-by-step on how to set up a profitable ad campaign, so you can start generating sales within 30 minutes. This program includes three different prerecorded courses that you can watch at your own pace:

Meta Ads

I guide you through every step of creating your first Meta ad campaign, ensuring you understand each part of the process. From setting up your campaign to targeting the right audience and crafting compelling ads, I cover everything you need to know. 

Instagram accelerator

I teach you how to turn viewers into loyal followers by sharing my best tips and tricks on simple yet powerful content strategies. You'll learn exactly what to post, how to optimize your profiles, and how to increase your sales!

WhatsApp for Business & Email Marketing

Everything you need to use WhatsApp to generate leads and sell your products. I also show you effective email marketing techniques and strategies to turn your followers into customers.

Imagine what it would feel like if:

  • You can post with confidance
  • Never worry about attracting new customers
  • Be up to date with all things social media
  • Have a stable predictable casflow

🎓 Member of The Social Media Business School


Our revenue was through the roof!

To say her course is value for money is an understatement—the whole course was paid off with our first ad run! 

- Annelize Blom (Organizing Garage Services)


This 12-month course will equip you with the skills, strategy, and resources that will allow you to confidently give your business (and yourself) the power of an engaged audience and will also provide you with my tried and tested ads strategy — the foundation that will take your business to a whole new level. 

R39 997

  • Immediate access
  • Weekly Zoom Support
  • Community
  • Easy-to-follow video lessons


Enroll now for a FREE one-on-one session with a qualified Marketing Coach to get you started.

 (Value R3 997) 

Only available to the first 20 people who enroll today. 


To fulfill My Promise And To Ensure That You Reach More People And Double Your Sales, I Decided To Also Throw In These Bonuses...

Customise My Plan

There are different strategies for different business models, but let me assure you that there is one for you. I have a reputation for helping all sorts of businesses, and entrepreneurs find their way in the online marketplace. With this bonus, you get a marketing blueprint on the best strategy for your specific business with a personalised POWER HOUR breakthrough session.

R 9 997 Value (Only available to once-off payments)

The AI Time Multiplier

AI helps you focus on the important, creative, and strategic aspects of your business by handling repetitive tasks for you. This means you can spend less time on routine activities and more time on growing your business. With this training, you'll learn how to automate and streamline various tasks, saving you hundreds of hours and allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters for your success.

Value R5 997

Extra special training

We have amazing expert coaches who teach on topics that are directly related to all things social media! I want to give you everything you need to be successful and include expert coaching on these topics:

  • Confidence on social media/Mindset
  • Social Media Organic growth
  • Paid Ads strategy

Value R39 997

Marketing Math- Unlimited Marketing Budget

I will share how to create a marketing budget with ads that pay for themselves, covering your course costs and making extra sales! Making your marketing both affordable and profitable.

Value R1 997

Competitor Analysis

Learn where to find detailed information about your competitors and what they are doing on Facebook. With our competitor analysis, you'll discover their strategies, ad campaigns, and audience engagement tactics. This insight helps you understand what works for them, so you can apply similar strategies to your own business and stay ahead in the market.

Value R3 997

Total Value of R116 976


The Place for All Things Facebook & Instagram


Paid and Organic Facebook and Instagram


Hey! I’ll be your main guide and mentor inside the Social Media business school!

Leverage my over a decade of expertise in managing Facebook ads to minimise the time gap between kickstarting and seeing results, enabling you to achieve quicker returns on your investment. Transform ineffective Facebook ads into successful campaigns in record time!

I've helped countless small business owners achieve success with Facebook & Instagram and I will be sharing my tried and proven strategies and knowledge with you. 


I'm so confident in the MAGRIET.CO: Social Media Business School, that if you put in the time and do the work and STILL find that my course is not a good fit, show me your work within 14 days of enrolling and I will gladly give you a refund.

🎓 Member of The Social Media Business School


We turned R224 into R6,000 in only a week. That’s a huge 2590.58% return on our investment.

- Michelle Britz (Michelle se Kombuis)



Exclusive Access

This course is the only place business owners can gain access to my training and coaching with direct access to my brain, and the 10+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE I have with Facebook Ads and online marketing. We answer your questions Monday- Friday inside our Facebook community, so my team and I are only one click away from helping you with troubleshooting, brainstorming or help you generating ideas or providing feedback.

Value R 10 997

Live Zoom Strat Chats

Every week, I host live strat chat calls where we jump on Zoom, share screens when needed, and deep dive into your questions, solve problems, and accelerate your progress. We have 4 calls a week! You won't find this level of live, personalized support on any other online course. You also have access to all previous session recordings for you to watch when you can. 

Value R19 200

Complete Education Platform

Get access to high-quality, expert training on everything you need to know about Facebook, Instagram & WhatsApp. CHOOSE YOUR OWN PACE as I take you step-by-step through all things reels, optimizing your profiles, sharing what to post,  targeting, retargeting, copy and creatives, tracking data, budgeting, scaling ad campaigns and much more!

Value R61 997

Facebook Community

Get all your questions answered while also getting a big boost of encouragement and positivity from our dedicated coaches. Our online community is one of the biggest perks of signing up. You become part of a like-minded community who experience the same challenges and overcome them together. 

 Value R10 997



🎓 Member of The Social Media Business School


I am only halfway through my course and already I'm seeing real tangible results, not only in my social media presence but my online sales too! I highly recommend this course if you are a small business owner needing guidance and knowledge on how to navigate the world we do business in today. Magriet and her team will give you the skills you need to succeed.

Nicky Heuer

Magriet's way of teaching is simply out of this world. Whether you do not know anything about social media or if you are a master on social media, guarantee you WILL learn something from her.

Thank you Magriet for the way you bring" yourself across in ALL the training sessions and the fact that I can view the videos and implement them in my own time is such a bonus as your time is not the same as the next persons. THANK YOU Magriet!!!

Magriet Groenewald is a compassionate Social Media Educator who is totally committed to providing me as a client with the best personal support.

Her course has come at exactly the right time for me - and the fact that I can work through the lessons in my own time and own pace suits my schedule as an Entrepreneur best.

The extra support by means of the live calls are extremely valuable and Magriet Groenewald will explain the same thing 100 times over if needed. Thank you Magriet Groenewald for your dedication and authenticity.

🎓 Member of The Social Media Business School


I can not tell you how much I have learnt from your course! Wow. THE BEST VALUE FOR MONEY!!!

- Jeanine Theron (Image & Style Consultant)

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